We teach the girls new skills, how to work together, meet new friends and to have fun through a variety of Brownie Badges which they can gain.
We also take the girls away on our annual Pack Holiday weekends.
At Present we are looking forward to the Brownies turn 100 in 2014! We are working towards the mammoth task of completing a whole list of activities to gain the Big Brownie Birthday Badge and learning more about the history of the Brownies. In addition to this we have been invited to an activity evening with overnight stay in February at the Science Centre in Glasgow for a Big Birthday Celebration.
Age Group:
Girls start Brownies from age 7 until 10 years of age. When the girls are 10 they move up to the Guides
Day and Time of Meetings:
We meet every Wednesday night in the Games hall of the church from 18:30 – 19:45.
Contact Information:
Please Direct enquires to the church office.

I Promise that I will do my best:
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs, To serve the Queen and Community, To help other people and To keep the Brownie Guide Law.