
Riverside Parish Church is fortunate to host a wide variety of organisations of all age groups, bringing vitality to the church complex seven days a week and extending our reach as a christian community beyond traditional Sunday worship.

We have a fantastic complex of halls which are adaptable for a wide range of uses.

Some of the groups with strong links to our congregation are listed below; click on the organisation to find out more and for dates & times of meetings:

1st Dumbarton Rainbows
1st Dumbarton Brownies
1st Dumbarton Girl Guides
2nd Dumbarton Brownies
2nd Dumbarton Girl Guides
1st Dumbarton Scout Group
1st Dumbarton Scout Group – Beavers
1st Dumbarton Scout Group – Cubs
1st/2nd Dumbarton Anchor Boys
1st/2nd Dumbarton BB Junior Section
1st/2nd Dumbarton Boys’ Brigade
After Eights
Carpet Bowling Club
Church Of Scotland Guild
Funky Wee Monkeys
Good Companions
Ladies Badminton
Ladies Keep Fit
Last Monday Group
Messy Church
Mothers And Toddlers
Riverside Gateway
Riverside Ramblers
Social & Projects
Sunday School
Youth Group
Tuesday Lunch Club

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